Quando avaria não há muito a fazer...
Mais um canto nesta blogosfera, o 5º Poder...um espaço de expressão sob mui formas já que, nesta vida longa e feita de partilhas e de experiências, uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras e há palavras que valem mais que mil imagens! E como “uma viagem de mil milhas começa com o primeiro passo”(Lao-Tsé),aqui vive-se o momento...
Vancouver Olympic Shame: Learn more. Por favor AJUDE a cessar este massacre infame! Please HELP stopping this nounsense slaughter! SIGN http://getactive.peta.org/campaign/seal_hunt_09?c=posecaal09&source=poshecal09
Ser Enfermeiro...
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hoje o dia terá dois posts! É porque é a final do Euro, perguntam vocês??Não, é porque o meu coração vai falar! Falou há pouco, logo agora escreve!Para registar a minha saudade e todo o sentimento que advém de uma relação que tenho o prazer de construir há 3 anos!Ou melhor, co-construir! Porque és especial com "E" e fazes do meu mundo e do Mundo que me rodeia, um sítio tão diferente (para melhor) se viver! Do fundo do coração, dedico-te estas mui curtas palavras e estes pequenos excertos que como sabes vêm lá do fundo da minha pessoa;)Vai em frente com força!Adoro-te tóina!
Saudade...sentimento vão
Que tanto entristece o coração!
Por vezes Sol... dias bem iluminados,
Cheios de luz...mas bem vazados!
Podem ser alegres e movimentados
Mas falta-lhes o maior dos significados!
Por vezes contratempos...
Tornam os dias lentos,
Lembrando lamentos...
Por vezes o Cuidar
Faz-me lembrar
O quanto bom é amar
E o outro alegrar...
Por vezes a noite...
Imperiosa, traz um lindo luar,
E no seu silêncio, lá vou andando,
Relembrando e esperando
Sonhando com o teu lindo olhar!
E como é curioso
E deveras misterioso..
Que esse algo que tu emanas
Se guarde em mim,
Como flor de jasmim
Durante eternas semanas!
E como é curioso
E deveras maravilhoso...
Como basta um outro olhar,
O meu, te ver,
Para a alegria me alcançar
O coração te sentir,
A alma te abraçar
E as saudades matar!
E como é curioso
E deveras majestoso...
Basta apenas esse curto momento
Pleno de sentimento
Estranhamente longo mas efémero,
Para ficar eterno!
Excerto de "Saudade" - 24 de Janeiro de 2007 João Veloso
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Hold On!
Parece que ontem o post não entrou! de qualquer modo, deixo-vos Green Day com "Hold On". Com tanto esforço que anda por aí, só se pede férias!Saudações
Hold On
As I stepped to the edge
Beyond the shadow of a doubt
With my conscience beating
Like the pulse of a drum
That hammers on and on
Until I reach the break of the day
As the sun beats down
On the halfway house
Has my conscience beating
The sound in my ear
The will to persevere
As I reach the break of the day
When you lost all hope and excuses
And the cheapstakes & losers
Nothing's left to cling onto
You got to hold on
Hold on to yourself
A cry of hope
A plea for peace
And my conscience beating
It's not what I want for
It's all that I need
To reach the break of the Day
So I run to the edge
Beyond the shadow of a doubt
With my conscience bleeding
Here lies the truth
The lost treasures of my youth
As I hold on to the break of the day
When you lost all hope and excuses
And the cheapstakes & losers
Nothing's left to cling onto
You got to hold on
Hold on to yourself
When you lost all hope and excuses
And the cheapstakes & losers
Nothing's left to cling onto
You got to hold on
Hold on to yourself
Hold On
As I stepped to the edge
Beyond the shadow of a doubt
With my conscience beating
Like the pulse of a drum
That hammers on and on
Until I reach the break of the day
As the sun beats down
On the halfway house
Has my conscience beating
The sound in my ear
The will to persevere
As I reach the break of the day
When you lost all hope and excuses
And the cheapstakes & losers
Nothing's left to cling onto
You got to hold on
Hold on to yourself
A cry of hope
A plea for peace
And my conscience beating
It's not what I want for
It's all that I need
To reach the break of the Day
So I run to the edge
Beyond the shadow of a doubt
With my conscience bleeding
Here lies the truth
The lost treasures of my youth
As I hold on to the break of the day
When you lost all hope and excuses
And the cheapstakes & losers
Nothing's left to cling onto
You got to hold on
Hold on to yourself
When you lost all hope and excuses
And the cheapstakes & losers
Nothing's left to cling onto
You got to hold on
Hold on to yourself
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Hoje um momento engraçado de Robbie Williams. A juntar a uma grande música e actuação, uma grande malandrice. Tem fama e ele próprio admitiu que era viciado em sexo, tendo feito terapia. E lá que tira proveito...tira!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Cavaleiro Monge

Do vale à montanha...
Do vale a montanha
da montanha o monte
cavalo de sombra
cavaleiro monge
por casas por prados
por quintas por fontes
caminhais aliados
do vale a montanha
da montanha o monte
cavalo de sombra
cavaleiro monge
por penhascos pretos
atrás e de fronte
caminhas secretos
do vale a montanha
da montanha o monte
cavalo de sombra
cavaleiro monge
por prados desertos
sem ter horizontes
caminhais libertos
caminhais libertos
caminhais libertos
do vale a montanha
da montanha o monte
cavalo de sombra
cavaleiro monge
por índios caminhos
por rios sem ponte
caminhais sozinhos
do vale a montanha
da montanha o monte
cavalo de sombra
cavaleiro monge
por quanto é sem fim
sem ninguém que o conte
caminhais em mim
do vale a montanha
da montanha o monte
cavalo de sombra
cavaleiro monge
por prados desertos
sem ter horizontes
caminhais libertos
sem ter horizontes
caminhais libertos
cavalo de sombra
cavaleiro monge
por quanto é sem fim
sem ninguém que o conte
caminhais em mim
ai, cavaleiro monge
por penhascos pretos
por rios sem ponte
caminhais em mim
Monday, June 16, 2008
É frequente sermos alvos da fúria de gansos quando violamos o seu território mas principalmente quando ameaçamos as suas crias. Achei este vídeo curioso pela persist~encia e tenacidade do animal. Obrigado Diogo pela partilha! Grande abraço!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
One more step!
Todos temos momentos bons e momentos menos bons, ou pelo menos em que questionamos algo, interrogamo-nos de vários porquês e não encontramos muita força em nós. Aquela força que se afigurará necessária para atingir uma meta. Acontece tantas vezes e cada vez é uma situação diferente! Não sei a natureza desta situação,logo tudo o que escrevo poderá ser exagerado para esta última, mas sei três coisas que tu também sabes:): tens a força necessária dentro de ti, é uma fase reversível e acima de tudo é preciso dar um passo de cada vez. Como te disse, ainda há pouco tempo tive de encontrar a minha própria força. Mas cada dia é um dia e o segredo é avançar. Para a frente ou para trás. Afinal, às vezes temos de dar um passo atrás para somar dois em frente, como dizia o Lenine. Parar é que não. E se isso acontecer, temos sempre a solução de voltar a arrancar!E o melhor de tudo é que temos sempre mãos e uma palavra amiga que nos empurre!Força Pimpolha;)bjao*

Ps: esta é a minha imagem homóloga da tua!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Slow motion
Hoje deixo-vos melhor do slow motion e das curiosidades da física e da natureza. Com a chancela do Martinho!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Hoje vi-te, grande amigo!Foi um prazer voltar encontrar-te. Parece que vais-te afastar um pouco do nosso local ,mas quem não está a um passo, estará a dois;) A vida assim o obriga, muitas mudanças súbitas e que muito te custam certamente.Agora há que lutar pelo futuro!Estaremos lá, como sempre!Grande abraço para ti amigo!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Um almoço para variar
Hoje tive o prazer de pela 1ª vez sentar-me a uma mesa de um restaurante vegetariano e provar comida vegetariana. Foi no local de eleição da Dinamene (a sua salvação das horas de almoço!)e posso dizer que a comida estava boa. O ter adorado já é outra história.Como nos disseram , é preciso aprender a gostar, não é há primeira. Mas para o meu baptismo até gostei de bastantes coisas. O que comi, do que me lembro(!), foi sopa de lentilhas, massa com espinafres e um grão qualquer, salada com cenoura e grão de bico, almôndegas com uma mistela qualquer lá dentro (desculpem o termo depreciativo, mas era bom!) e beringela com soja e mais uns quantos ingredientes.Conclusão: a sopa era divinal e gostei de 3/4 do resto da comida apesar de não me lembrar e/ou não conseguir identificar certos ingredientes. E quase tudo o que comi era um pouco doce de mais. O melhor de tudo foi a companhia, a Marta e a CC, para matar saudades! Uma experiência a repetir, mas sem antes desfrutar de um belo bitoque!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
2008 aspirações!
Há quase um ano foi assim! Um pequeno passo para o sonho! Estas imagens são indescritíveis!Cada um de nós, ou a maioria de nós vive-as com intensidade diferente, mas o que é realmente fantástico é que a maioria de nós realmente as vive com muito sentimento. O Apoio que todos demonstrámos é realmente único! E hoje esse sonho continua vivo! Vamos a ver;)Começa hoje a magia da bola!
"Façamos da nossa falência uma vitória, uma cousa positiva e erguida, com colunas, majestade e aquiesciência espiritual."
Fernando Pessoa
"Façamos da nossa falência uma vitória, uma cousa positiva e erguida, com colunas, majestade e aquiesciência espiritual."
Fernando Pessoa
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Leis de Murphy
Finalmente encontrei! As Leis de Murphy para Enfermeiros! Está bastante engraçado apesar de algumas estarem antiquadas e com uma visão bastante biomédica! Aos entendidos, divirtam-se! "If something can go wrong, it will"...
• You can please some of the patients all of the time, and all of the patients some of the time, but you just can’t please the family.
• Management truly believes you are overpaid. But would never work for what they pay you.
• People farthest from your work area are the least needy - and least afraid of pushing the nurse call. Invariably.
• The more minor the injury, the more angry that person is for having to wait. While the little old guy with crushing chest pain says, "Oh, it's ok, I've waited this long already..."
• Your patient is finally absorbing their NG feed after days of aspirating - but they pull the tube out just before the consultant does his ward round.
• The number of staff to be found on the ward is inversely proportional to the scale of the emergency.
• You've just given a patient a meal - pie, roast potatoes and a sponge pudding with custard - when the consultant says they're ready for the operation.
• A very healthy patient, when admitted to a very small room, will require a vent, a cooling blanket, hemofilter, six pumps and a digital television before the end of your shift, requiring you to climb over the bed to get out of the room.
• The hospital always sends admissions to your nursing home at change of shift on your weekend on - the physician's weekend off.
• The lift always breaks down when the 400 pound patient needs to be transferred from one bed to another.
• You tell your patient, "If you need anything at all, just push the button and I'll be there". She smiles and says she's "Fine, thank you nurse." The next morning she complains to the physician, "No one came near me all night and I couldn't sleep, because I was in agony."
• In a life threatening emergency, the speed of the doctor's response is inversely proportional to the speed of the patient's decline.
• That enema you gave four hours ago produces a huge code brown just five minutes before the end of your shift.
• The doctor's just about to examine a patient when you realise you've lost your pencil and find a rectal thermometer behind your ear.
• The doctor with the the Handwriting from Hell is the one who makes the worst fuss when disturbed at 3am ... usually because their insulin prescription could be ... anything.
• You have been working flat all day without even a coffee break, but the moment you sit down, the supervisor walks around the corner and sees you doing nothing.
• You never use foul language, except when the boss is standing behind you.
• When you need the money, your shift is cancelled; when you have a weekend planned, you have to do overtime.
• Realizing the patient you've just injected has a serious infection causes you to stab yourself with the used needle.
• A 500 pound patient needs all care, while your 80 pound patient needs a finger dressing ... and your colleague has a "bad back."
• It's your first night shift for three years. And it's a full moon.
• You're doing the "Only 27 more minutes of the shift from hell happy-dance", only to turn around to see your supervisor standing there.
• In a critical situation, the most highly qualified clinician will offer the most advice and the least support.
• The absurdity of the suggestion is directly proportional to the distance from the bedside.
• As soon as you finish a thirty minute dressing the doctor will come in, and take a look at the wound.
• The disoriented patient always comes from a Nursing Home whose beautiful paperwork has no phone number on it.
• Your nose will itch the very moment your gloved hands get contaminated with bodily fluids.
• The patient who has been dying all night finally meets his maker 12.5 minutes before shift change.
• You walk out of a patient's room after you've asked them if they need anything: they will put the call bell on as you are about three quarters the way down the hall.
• The patient furthest away from the nurses' station rings the call bell more often than the patient nearest to the nurses' station.
• The doctor with the worst handwriting and most original use of the English Language will be responsible for your most critical patient.
• You always remember "just one more thing" you need after you've gowned, gloved, and masked and gone into that isolation room.
• The correct depth of compression in adult CPR is a bit less than the depth you just reached when you broke those ribs.
• When you cancel extra staff because it's so quiet, you are guaranteed a rash of admissions.
• If you wear a new white uniform, expect to be thrown up on.
Corollary: Residents always poop on your brand new shoes.
• When management smiles at you, be very, very afraid ...
• Staffing will gladly send you three aides--but you have to float two of your RNs.
• As soon as you discontinue the IV line, more fluids will be ordered.
• Mandatory meetings are always scheduled after you've had the night from hell and just want to go home to bed.
• You always forget what it was you wanted after you get to the supply room. You always remember when you get back to the other end ...
• Doctors only ask your name when the patient isn't doing well.
• Success occurs when no one is looking, failure occurs when the boss is watching.
• As soon as you've ordered the pizzas, 25 patients show up at the ER registration desk along with three ambulances all with cardiac arrests!
• For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
• Ten seconds after you have finished giving a complete bed bath and changing the bed, the patient has a giant code brown.
• If a patient needs four pills, the packet will contain three.
• Your buddies who were reading the paper at the nurses' desk a minute ago always disappear when you need help ...
• Expect to get your pay raise the same day the hospital raises the parking rates (and other charges)
• The better job you do, the more work you can expect to be handed ...
• The amount of clean linen available is inversely proportional to your immediate needs.
• The more confused and impulsive a patient is, the less chance there is for a family member or friend to sit with the patient.
• The perfect nurse for the job will apply the day after that post is filled by some semiqualified idiot.
• Corollary: You hear about the perfect job the day after you accept another one.
• If only one solution can be found for a problem, then it is usually a stupid solution.
• Despite an apartment littered with clothes, the dog will always sleep on the one clean uniform that you had laid out the night before.
• When the nurse on the preceeding shift has surrounded the patient with absorbant pads, the code brown will hit every sheet and miss every pad.
• Rest assured that when you are in a hurry, the nurse's notes have not been written.
• When you are starting an IV on an uncooperative patient, or dealing with a huge code brown, there is a phone call for you and it's that crabby physician that you have been paging all morning.
• Fire drills always occur on your day from hell - or at the end of a 12 hour shift when you have an important date.
• The first person in line when the clinic opens will not require urgent care. The sickest person will arrive 5 minutes before closing: "I thought I'd feel better"
Fonte: http://www.realnurse.net/humour/murphys-4.shtml
• You can please some of the patients all of the time, and all of the patients some of the time, but you just can’t please the family.
• Management truly believes you are overpaid. But would never work for what they pay you.
• People farthest from your work area are the least needy - and least afraid of pushing the nurse call. Invariably.
• The more minor the injury, the more angry that person is for having to wait. While the little old guy with crushing chest pain says, "Oh, it's ok, I've waited this long already..."
• Your patient is finally absorbing their NG feed after days of aspirating - but they pull the tube out just before the consultant does his ward round.
• The number of staff to be found on the ward is inversely proportional to the scale of the emergency.
• You've just given a patient a meal - pie, roast potatoes and a sponge pudding with custard - when the consultant says they're ready for the operation.
• A very healthy patient, when admitted to a very small room, will require a vent, a cooling blanket, hemofilter, six pumps and a digital television before the end of your shift, requiring you to climb over the bed to get out of the room.
• The hospital always sends admissions to your nursing home at change of shift on your weekend on - the physician's weekend off.
• The lift always breaks down when the 400 pound patient needs to be transferred from one bed to another.
• You tell your patient, "If you need anything at all, just push the button and I'll be there". She smiles and says she's "Fine, thank you nurse." The next morning she complains to the physician, "No one came near me all night and I couldn't sleep, because I was in agony."
• In a life threatening emergency, the speed of the doctor's response is inversely proportional to the speed of the patient's decline.
• That enema you gave four hours ago produces a huge code brown just five minutes before the end of your shift.
• The doctor's just about to examine a patient when you realise you've lost your pencil and find a rectal thermometer behind your ear.
• The doctor with the the Handwriting from Hell is the one who makes the worst fuss when disturbed at 3am ... usually because their insulin prescription could be ... anything.
• You have been working flat all day without even a coffee break, but the moment you sit down, the supervisor walks around the corner and sees you doing nothing.
• You never use foul language, except when the boss is standing behind you.
• When you need the money, your shift is cancelled; when you have a weekend planned, you have to do overtime.
• Realizing the patient you've just injected has a serious infection causes you to stab yourself with the used needle.
• A 500 pound patient needs all care, while your 80 pound patient needs a finger dressing ... and your colleague has a "bad back."
• It's your first night shift for three years. And it's a full moon.
• You're doing the "Only 27 more minutes of the shift from hell happy-dance", only to turn around to see your supervisor standing there.
• In a critical situation, the most highly qualified clinician will offer the most advice and the least support.
• The absurdity of the suggestion is directly proportional to the distance from the bedside.
• As soon as you finish a thirty minute dressing the doctor will come in, and take a look at the wound.
• The disoriented patient always comes from a Nursing Home whose beautiful paperwork has no phone number on it.
• Your nose will itch the very moment your gloved hands get contaminated with bodily fluids.
• The patient who has been dying all night finally meets his maker 12.5 minutes before shift change.
• You walk out of a patient's room after you've asked them if they need anything: they will put the call bell on as you are about three quarters the way down the hall.
• The patient furthest away from the nurses' station rings the call bell more often than the patient nearest to the nurses' station.
• The doctor with the worst handwriting and most original use of the English Language will be responsible for your most critical patient.
• You always remember "just one more thing" you need after you've gowned, gloved, and masked and gone into that isolation room.
• The correct depth of compression in adult CPR is a bit less than the depth you just reached when you broke those ribs.
• When you cancel extra staff because it's so quiet, you are guaranteed a rash of admissions.
• If you wear a new white uniform, expect to be thrown up on.
Corollary: Residents always poop on your brand new shoes.
• When management smiles at you, be very, very afraid ...
• Staffing will gladly send you three aides--but you have to float two of your RNs.
• As soon as you discontinue the IV line, more fluids will be ordered.
• Mandatory meetings are always scheduled after you've had the night from hell and just want to go home to bed.
• You always forget what it was you wanted after you get to the supply room. You always remember when you get back to the other end ...
• Doctors only ask your name when the patient isn't doing well.
• Success occurs when no one is looking, failure occurs when the boss is watching.
• As soon as you've ordered the pizzas, 25 patients show up at the ER registration desk along with three ambulances all with cardiac arrests!
• For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
• Ten seconds after you have finished giving a complete bed bath and changing the bed, the patient has a giant code brown.
• If a patient needs four pills, the packet will contain three.
• Your buddies who were reading the paper at the nurses' desk a minute ago always disappear when you need help ...
• Expect to get your pay raise the same day the hospital raises the parking rates (and other charges)
• The better job you do, the more work you can expect to be handed ...
• The amount of clean linen available is inversely proportional to your immediate needs.
• The more confused and impulsive a patient is, the less chance there is for a family member or friend to sit with the patient.
• The perfect nurse for the job will apply the day after that post is filled by some semiqualified idiot.
• Corollary: You hear about the perfect job the day after you accept another one.
• If only one solution can be found for a problem, then it is usually a stupid solution.
• Despite an apartment littered with clothes, the dog will always sleep on the one clean uniform that you had laid out the night before.
• When the nurse on the preceeding shift has surrounded the patient with absorbant pads, the code brown will hit every sheet and miss every pad.
• Rest assured that when you are in a hurry, the nurse's notes have not been written.
• When you are starting an IV on an uncooperative patient, or dealing with a huge code brown, there is a phone call for you and it's that crabby physician that you have been paging all morning.
• Fire drills always occur on your day from hell - or at the end of a 12 hour shift when you have an important date.
• The first person in line when the clinic opens will not require urgent care. The sickest person will arrive 5 minutes before closing: "I thought I'd feel better"
Fonte: http://www.realnurse.net/humour/murphys-4.shtml

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