Num belo dia para se comemorar - e enquanto esperas por outras prendas minhas - dedico-te esta grande música de Sarah Mclachlan. Está à tua altura! Beijo doce**
When somebody loved me
everything was beautiful
every hour we spent together
lives within my heart
And when she was sad
i was there to dry her tears
and when she was happy so was i
when she loved me
Through the summer and the fall
we had each other that was all
just she and i together like it was ment to be
And when she was lonley
i was there to comfort her
and i knew that she loved me
So the years went
by i stayed the same
but she began to drift away
i was left alone
but still i waited for the day
when she'd say i will always love you
Lonely and forgotten
i never thought she'd look my way
when she smiled at me
and held me
just like she used to do
like she loved me
when she loved me
When somebody loved me
everything was beautiful
every hour we spent together
lives within my heart
when she loved me.
1 comment:
Como me dedicas umas cancao que fala num amor passado....
Bem...fikei um pouco surpresa ao ver que esta foi a tua escolha para me dedicares no dia do meu te posso agradecer por me teres sempre no teu coracao e no teu pensamento e por neste dia teres tido o tempo de me dedicar uma cancao que sendo lindaaaa e magestosa axo k nao reflecte o que sentimeos um pelo outro. Espero que comigo ou por minha causa nunca te sintas sozinho, triste ou desamparado. Espero sempre poder dar-t tudo o k precisares para ser feliz. beijos desta k te amou, ama e espera amar sempre. beijaoooo e obrigada.
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